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The word "Sasquatch" originated in Canada


Salishan Language Family, Coast Salishan dialect, Language of Chehalis

Coast Salish, Katzie First Nations.  They are part of the Sto:lo family of First Nations.  Traditional name:  Sasq’ets.  Translation name: Sasquatch


In southwestern British Columbia, on southern Vancouver and nearby islands, live some five hundred speakers of Halkomelem, a Central Salish language in the Salish language family. And there is also said to be, somewhere in the mountains and woods known to the Halkomelem, a creature called in their language Sasquatch, or "hairy man."


J.W. Burns coined the term in the 1930s. Burns was an Indian agent assigned to the Chehalis Band, now is known as the Sts’ailes First Nation. The Sts’ailes people claim to have a close connection with Sas’qets, and believe it has the ability to move between the physical and spiritual realm. Sasquatch is commonly known as Bigfoot in the United States. 















What we know about these creatures is,  that they have been around much longer then most realize. They date back well into the 1800’s or further and have lived along side with the Indians of our lands. Today, we have learned a lot actually, about these creatures due to all the reported sightings that are out there.


Yes, they have been reported all over the United States, Canada and other areas. Yes, they do have a breeding population.


Despite what you see or hear on some shows on TV, there are people that actually want answers of what these creatures are. It is not advantageous to guess on what they are or where they come from or why they are here. We need to take a scientific view point on the evidence at hand.


Unfortunately, there are some out there in this research work that are out to try to make money or be famous on this topic, and that is unethical way to go about things. Those people think of this phenomenon is like hitting the lottery and dreams of making it rich by dragging in a body to science. This indeed would not be the case at all.


Eye witnesses from every walk of life have experience an encounter on many levels. From layers to Doctors, from the homeless to high ranking officials of our military and everyone in between. These people either engage in outdoor activity from camping, hiking, fishing, boating, military training, etc. With the thousands of eyewitness accounts of what people are reporting, there has to be something to this mystery.
















"What little we do know"


When we refer to these as "Creatures" it is a broad spectrum.  We really don’t know exactly where they fit in as a species as of yet.  DNA possibilities claim more towards human rather than animal, or something between.  Regardless, we need more DNA samples and scientific studies for validation.  By eye-witness accounts, we know they are breeding because there have been reported sightings of them with smaller ones.



They are considered to be very intelligent creatures more so then apes or monkeys and they do communicate with each other by making various audible sounds ranging from tree knocks and different types of calls and yells.  The Indians were the first to know these things since they also did these same things when on their hunts for game animals or simply to communicate with each other to find each other in the wildness. That information has been passed down from many generations of Indians. They have their own sort of language among themselves. 

They have remained elusive towards humans for centuries. Possibly because they know how harmful we are. 



We know that they eat just about anything that will not hurt them just like bears in the wild.  They are essentially omnivores that eat plants, insects, fish, and animals.  They are known to be scavengers or opportunists and live off the land like most animals do and possibly move to locations where these are predominate during season changes, just like other animals do.  They seem to like eating the liver and hearts of animals and only taking high nutrients parts.  They've been known to break the legs of deer and only take these parts and leave the rest behind.  Their water sources are creeks, rivers, lakes, and oceans. 



They do build nesting areas but seldom do we find them.  They may take up residence in natural cover like caves and heavily wooded areas.  They are the masters of camouflage and if they do not want to be seen, you could walk past them and not even see them.  They use the natural surroundings as their cover, which also helps in their hunting skills for food.



With the size of these creatures they can cover a lot of ground.  So, for something to be a large hike for us to travel, it might just take them half the time or less for them to travel to an area.   We speculate around a fifty mile radials.   Since they may live in family pods, they can be vary protective of the area that they may be located.


Our thoughts on killing a species like this, to prove its existence, is simple minded thinking and not necessary at all.   We can study these creatures in their environment to understand them better without having to kill them.   If we happen upon a dead one, then you have some physical/body evidence at that point to collect. But that is very unlikely to happen.  Of course, if your life is threaten by one, we would hope to protect ourselves. 


Sasquatch Sightings Map: See 92 Years Of 

'Squatch In The U.S., Canada - By Josh Stevens

Influential People

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Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum

Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum  is an Associate Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology and Adjunct Associate Professor of the Department of Anthropology at Idaho State University. Meldrum is also Adjunct Professor of Occupational and Physical Therapy and Affiliate Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Idaho Museum of Natural History.

Meldrum is an expert on foot morphology and locomotion in primates. He received his B.S. in zoology specializing in vertebrate locomotion at Brigham Young University (BYU) in 1982, his M.S. at BYU in 1984 and a Ph.D. in anatomical sciences, with an emphasis in biological anthropology, from State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1989.


He held the position of postdoctoral visiting assistant professor at Duke University Medical Center from 1989 to 1991. Meldrum worked at Northwestern University's Department of Cell, Molecular and Structural Biology for a short while in 1993 before joining the faculty of Idaho State University where he currently teaches.


Meldrum is best known for his open-minded yet scientific approach to the Bigfoot phenomenon. Because he grew up in the Pacific Northwest, Meldrum was no stranger to the subject, having heard Sasquatch stories from an early age. His interest in the legendary creature took a back burner as he continued his formal education and teaching until 1996, when he found and cast a series of fresh Sasquatch prints in Washington and, the following year, northern California.


Meldrum has since gathered and purchased collections of purported track casts as part of his research into Sasquatch foot anatomy.His lab now houses what may be the world's most extensive collection of Sasquatch track casts. Meldrum is widely considered the leading expert on Sasquatch footprints as well as the derived morphology and functional anatomy of the foot.

More on Dr. Meldrum


















Bill Munns was first connected to the Bigfoot discussion by virtue of his well publicized full scale reconstructed figure of Gigantopithecus (with him standing beside it), originally published in the book "Other Origins", and subsequently digitized and freely copied into Bigfoot websites and Forums whenever the discussion turned to Gigantopithecus and its potential relationship to the Sasquatch. Bill has worked as a special effects/prosthetics makeup artist since 1969, starting at Universal Studios, under Mike Westmore.  During his career, he has made numerous full body suits, fur costumes, masks, and animatronics for various movies, TV shows, and commercials. Based on that experience, in 2008, he began a series of postings on BFF on "Creature Suit Analysis", with both general information about making creature type suits or costumes for films, and specific references to the ongoing controversy of the Patterson-Gimlin Film, and the debate as to whether what is seen in the film is a real creature or a hoaxed event with a person in a fur suit.


More on about his career making "creatures" for films, museums, and wildlife art at


There is a common misconception that Bill is doing "Bigfoot Research" or is a "believer".  He is doing research on the Patterson-Gimlin Film only, and evaluating the data it contains, to see what determinations can be made about both the physical film itself, and the subject seen in the film image. And he is mystified by the Bigfoot-Sasquatch phenomenon, open to the prospect of its existence, willing to listen, supportive of many current research efforts and researchers, but he does not currently endorse any research conclusions based on other photos, sightings, footprints or related evidence material.


His opinion of the Patterson-Gimlin Film is that the subject seen in the film is something real, and not a hoaxed event with a human in a costume.


"The Munns Report" is an analysis by Bill Munns of the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin Film which was filmed at Bluff Creek, California.

Bill Munns

Grover Krantz's (November 5, 1931 – February 14, 2002) was a professor of physical anthropology at Washington State University, perhaps most famous to the general public as one of the few scientists not only to research Bigfoot, but also to express his belief in the cryptid's existence. Krantz's specialty as an anthropologist included all aspects of human evolution, but he was best known outside of academia as the first serious researcher to devote his professional energies to the scientific study of Bigfoot, beginning in 1963.   Because his Cryptozoology research was ignored by mainstream scientists, despite his academic credentials, in a bid to find an audience Krantz published numerous books aimed at casual readers and also frequently appeared in television documentaries.

Read more on Grover Krantz

John Green

John Willison Green (February 12,1927 - May 28,2016) is a Canadian retired journalist and a leading researcher into the Bigfoot phenomenon. He is a graduate of both the University of British Columbia and Columbia University and has a database of more than 3000 sighting and track reports.  A graduate of UBC, Green received his Master’s Degree in Journalism from Columbia University in New York at age 20 (1947).


John was a renowned authority in the field, Green appeared as a keynote speaker at all three of the major scientific Sasquatch symposium held.  John Green authored several Sasquatch books, including "Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us, It has recently been re-issued, along with an updated combination of two earlier books, and is titled "The Best of Sasquatch Bigfoot".


John was born on February 12, 1927, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, died May 28, 2016 in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada, at the age 89.

Read more about John Green.

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Peter Byrn

Bigfoot researcher Peter Cyril Byrne (August 22, 1925 - July 28, 2023) was born in Ireland. Following service in the Royal Air Force during World War II, Byrne went to Northern India to work on a tea plantation.  Peter discovered his first yeti footprint in Nepal in 1948. In 1953 he started his own safari company which he ran for eighteen years.  In 1957 Byrne embarked on a three year expedition to hunt and track down the yeti; said expedition was funded by Texas oilman Tom Slick. In 1960 Peter headed another expedition to uncover Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest of Northern California.  Other members of the team briefly included fellow Sasquatch researchers John Green and Rene Dahinden.

Read more about Peter

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René Dahinden

René Dahinden (August 22, 1930 - April 18, 2001) was a well-known Bigfoot (Sasquatch) researcher.  Dahinden was born in Switzerland but moved to Canada at the end of October 1953, where he would live for the rest of his life. He became interested in the Bigfoot phenomenon shortly after arriving in Canada, and during the next few decades he conducted many field investigations and interviews throughout the Pacific Northwest. 

Read more about Rene'.

Sasquatch History

Here is an good explanation of the film. It is well known that this film has not been proven a hoax and that it could NOT possibly be a man in a suit.









Patterson - Gimlin film

Date: Oct. 20th 1967

Time: 1:30pm

Where: Bluff Creek Cal.

GPS:N. 41*26.301 W. 123*42.357 Elevation: 2560' -72'


Please Note: If you take the Patterson/Gimlin Film out of the equation that it ever happen, you cannot discount all the other sightings before and after that day.  There have been thousands of sightings before and after the Patterson Film. If you explore real genuine reports you will understand and see this pattern.

Sasquatch Patty.gif

** Click here **

Bob Gimlin interview on Eyewitness News 47 Fresno, Cal.
By CBS47 KSEE24 Published on Apr 7, 2019 Eyewitness News 47
Also Patterson Gimlin 4K remastered by Max from Bigfoot AI YouTube Channel Published on Jul 1, 2019

Bear Comparison

Here are some bear comparisons that most all skeptics try to tell eye witnesses that what they saw was a bear and they misidentified it.


There is no comparison of bears and Sasquatch, other than the fact that they share the same food, water and living resources.





















Bear overlap and Sasquatch footprint comparison. courtesy of William Jevning

BBC X-Creatures Bigfoot and Roger Patterson Footage, John Green's Copy The "X-Creatures:Shooting Bigfoot" documentary by the BBC has John Green showing his film roll containing Roger Patterson's Bluff Creek PGF footage. 

This clip includes the preceding pack horse scenes.... 

21 degrees between Bigfoot and you

Here we explore the difference between our walk and whomever or  whatever it was walking in the Patterson Bigfoot Film.Wanna see someone else hit the "73 degree mark?" Go check out this video. ht...

Gorilla versus Sasquatch comparison 

In this Field of Research


There are those in this field of research and others that are out to make a name for themselves for whatever reason.  What we have found, is that most are driven by fame and fortune.  The fact of the matter is, that would not happen or it would have already happen. Could it happen, that you could bring in evidence? Yes, but your delivery in getting it to that point would fail. Most people don’t see the reality of things and then they are faced with some sort of dilemma that frankly they caused themselves.


If you have been in this research work for any length of time, you find that these types of people basically make a fool out of themselves.  You can see the inexperience in their language, their information and their research.


To a veteran research investigator, the signs are obvious. It just makes no sense to be a fake in this research field. Simply put, if you do not do scientific research and use scientific people validating the research, you are not going to do well at all.  If you are doing this research work for reasons other than coming to an conclusive conclusion, than you’re not in it for the right reasons and your reputation will proceed you in a very bad light and spread like wildfire within this community of true research people.





There are also people that like to hoax in this field and others.  Sad, but it's true.  For reasons only those people can explain, but mostly it is to get some sort of attention.


Here is a link provided by Stocking Hominid, Hoaxes and Misidentified. 


There are those out there that have done good hoaxes out there and have fooled a lot of people, but eventually the truth comes out, and it comes out by those do their research on these people. A good research person also researches those that will cause issues for other legit and honest research people.


History has proven itself over the years that there will be people that hoax just about anything under study. This is something we all have to endure.


Case in point: Bigfoot hoax ends in death


There is a list of people that most legit researchers know that are known hoaxers and troublesome people that just want to cause issues among others in the this field.  I don't understand it and I wish that it wasn't so.  The ISRT wants to get along with everyone and we want to first be a friend before a research investigator.

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